Rosemary Verey

The formal gardens around Sagee Manor were designed by the late Rosemary Verey, perhaps the most distinguished English landscape designer of the second half of the twentieth century.

At Sagee Manor, Rosemary Verey's visionary genius is unveiled in a masterpiece of refined living. With its unique features, year-round allure, and commitment to sustainability, these enchanting gardens are a symphony of nature's wonders.

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Elevating the Art of Gardens: A Masterpiece by Rosemary Verey

Step into a world of wonder at Sagee Manor, where gardens become a canvas of nature's artistry, and the boundaries of beauty are redefined through the artistic vision of renowned landscape artist Rosemary Verey. Here, in the heart of luxury real estate, lies a masterpiece of gardens that captivate the senses and transport you to a realm of enchantment. With its unique features, ever-changing splendor, and commitment to sustainability, Sagee Manor's gardens are a true testament to the artistry of nature and the pinnacle of refined living.

A Symphony of Unique Features
Prepare to be mesmerized by the exquisite details that make Sagee Manor's gardens a symphony of artistry. The formal parterre, a masterpiece of geometric patterns, is a testament to Verey's keen eye for design. Immaculate hedges adorned with a profusion of seasonal blooms create a living canvas of pastel hues in spring, fiery tones in fall, and verdant greenery in summer, making each visit a visual feast for the senses. The serene reflecting pool, nestled amidst lush greenery, reflects the sky above and creates a sense of serenity that transports you to a world of tranquility. And the colorful perennial borders, meticulously curated by Verey, burst with life and fragrance, beckoning butterflies and birds, and adding a symphony of colors to the landscape that changes with every season.

The gardens are a sanctuary that promotes well-being, providing a respite from the stresses of modern life and fostering a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature.

A Year-Round Wonderland
At Sagee Manor, the magic of the gardens unfolds in a symphony of changing beauty throughout the year. In spring, the gardens awaken with a chorus of daffodils, tulips, and cherry blossoms, painting the landscape in a riot of colors and filling the air with their delicate fragrances. Summer brings a lush paradise, with verdant foliage and blooming roses providing a shaded retreat from the sun's warmth. As fall arrives, the gardens transform into a breathtaking kaleidoscope of warm hues, with fiery reds, oranges, and golds adorning the landscape in a display of nature's artistry. Even in winter, the gardens exude their own charm, with evergreen trees and shrubs lending structure and form to the landscape, while frost-kissed landscapes create a serene winter wonderland that captivates the heart and soul.


A Commitment to Sustainability
At Sagee Manor, sustainability and eco-consciousness are paramount. Verey's unwavering commitment to eco-friendly practices shines through in every aspect of the gardens' design and maintenance. State-of-the-art irrigation systems ensure efficient water usage, minimizing waste and preserving the lushness of the gardens throughout the year. The gardens are lovingly tended by a team of skilled horticulturists who follow sustainable practices to maintain their pristine beauty and ensure their long-term sustainability. With Sagee Manor's gardens, you can revel in the beauty of nature with a clear conscience, knowing that every step has been taken to preserve and protect the environment.

Immaculate hedges adorned with a profusion of seasonal blooms create a living canvas of pastel hues in spring, fiery tones in fall, and verdant greenery in summer.

Testimonials of Enchantment
Previous residents of Sagee Manor have been entranced by the gardens' allure. The current owner raved, "The gardens at Sagee Manor are a true masterpiece. Rosemary Verey's unrivaled expertise is evident in every detail, and the experience of walking through the gardens is simply enchanting." Another former resident at Sagee Manor shared, "Living amidst these gardens is a dream come true. The ever-changing beauty of the seasons, the serenity of the reflecting pool, and the vibrant colors of the perennial borders make everyday life feel like a fairy tale."

A Symphony of Unique FeaturesSagee Manor's gardens stand as a testament to the unmatched artistry of Rosemary Verey, a visionary whose creativity had no bounds. Her ability to seamlessly integrate architecture and landscape has resulted in a timeless masterpiece that captivates the senses and elevates the concept of gardens to new heights. With its unique features, year-round allure, and commitment to sustainability, Sagee Manor's gardens are a true treasure that transcends the ordinary and transports one to a world of enchantment. A living work of art that continues to inspire, Sagee Manor's gardens are a testament to the enduring legacy of Rosemary Verey's unmatched talent and unparalleled vision.